Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy Pioneer Day!

 The Best Ways To Celebrate!

 Donut Hole Falls
Yes, this is the hike Paul and I started off the day with and how fitting to have donuts to go along with it. This hike is up Big Cotton Wood Canyon.
 There were a ton of other people on the trail causing a lot of traffic. That didn't stop Paul. He found his own path and it was very entertaining to watch him scale the random rocks and logs to get to where he was wanting to go. In these pictures there are so many people I think of Waldo, but instead of who can find Waldo it is who can find Paul?

Paul had this great idea earlier this week that we look up our Pioneer Ancestors in Utah and go visit them on Pioneer Day. He loves his genealogy and to help me out he dedicated a good amount of time and found both his and my ancestors that were pioneers. We decided to just stick to finding the ones that were in the Sale Lake Cemetery since we both had about ten each to find in that one grave yard.
One of the first graves that we ran into was that of Jon Taylor one of the Prophets. We were way excited about that and then we ran into a good 4 or 5 more prophets graves. We didn't take pictures at everyone of them but there are still a few more pictures to prove it.
This is one of the graves that I wanted to see that Paul showed me. This is one of the tombstones for one of his ancestors and it one of the best that I have seen. I love the creativity and beauty of it!
A few more of Paul's pioneer ancestors that we found...
I also have to say that Paul knows some great stories of his ancestors so when we would find one he usually had a story from their life. It was such a faith promoting experience because these pioneers had such miraculous experiences and such faith in God. It was inspiring to remember where we each came from and to learn from the examples of those that have gone before us.

We also found quite a few of my ancestors as well...

BASEBALL on the 24th!

What would be the 24th of July without a baseball game, hot dogs, pop corn, and sun flower seeds. These kiddos got it all. They were so much fun, adorable, and they made the game as lively as can be!

In the middle of the game the 3 kids started playing their own version of baseball. Basically Max and Grace took turns batting, and catching the ball. While Jack was more then enthusiastic to play the role of the ball. Basically this translated to Jack getting jumped on and thrown around.

Max face expressions during the fireworks were adorable. He was captivated and would say when a new firework would go off "that one was my favorite" so basically they all were.

The day sure did end with a bang! 

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