Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy Pioneer Day!

 The Best Ways To Celebrate!

 Donut Hole Falls
Yes, this is the hike Paul and I started off the day with and how fitting to have donuts to go along with it. This hike is up Big Cotton Wood Canyon.
 There were a ton of other people on the trail causing a lot of traffic. That didn't stop Paul. He found his own path and it was very entertaining to watch him scale the random rocks and logs to get to where he was wanting to go. In these pictures there are so many people I think of Waldo, but instead of who can find Waldo it is who can find Paul?

Paul had this great idea earlier this week that we look up our Pioneer Ancestors in Utah and go visit them on Pioneer Day. He loves his genealogy and to help me out he dedicated a good amount of time and found both his and my ancestors that were pioneers. We decided to just stick to finding the ones that were in the Sale Lake Cemetery since we both had about ten each to find in that one grave yard.
One of the first graves that we ran into was that of Jon Taylor one of the Prophets. We were way excited about that and then we ran into a good 4 or 5 more prophets graves. We didn't take pictures at everyone of them but there are still a few more pictures to prove it.
This is one of the graves that I wanted to see that Paul showed me. This is one of the tombstones for one of his ancestors and it one of the best that I have seen. I love the creativity and beauty of it!
A few more of Paul's pioneer ancestors that we found...
I also have to say that Paul knows some great stories of his ancestors so when we would find one he usually had a story from their life. It was such a faith promoting experience because these pioneers had such miraculous experiences and such faith in God. It was inspiring to remember where we each came from and to learn from the examples of those that have gone before us.

We also found quite a few of my ancestors as well...

BASEBALL on the 24th!

What would be the 24th of July without a baseball game, hot dogs, pop corn, and sun flower seeds. These kiddos got it all. They were so much fun, adorable, and they made the game as lively as can be!

In the middle of the game the 3 kids started playing their own version of baseball. Basically Max and Grace took turns batting, and catching the ball. While Jack was more then enthusiastic to play the role of the ball. Basically this translated to Jack getting jumped on and thrown around.

Max face expressions during the fireworks were adorable. He was captivated and would say when a new firework would go off "that one was my favorite" so basically they all were.

The day sure did end with a bang! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

A weekend of nothing but FUN!


I know we've seen these first two pictures before but I am using them to recap the weekend. They are still my favorite!

Later that same day...
(Balloon Art)

Saturday never slowed down!

Visiting Annie!
I cannot get enough of this girl in my life! She will be moving to California in a week or two so at this point I am taking every chance that I can get to stop in and see her. Things will definitely not be the same around here without her but our friendship is one that no matter the distance we will always be there for each other and are only a phone call away. Plus we are already planning vacation time for when we will get to see each other next. She is basically a sister! She looks more like my sister then my own siblings and our relationship is like sisters as well. I love this girl and am blessed to have her in my life!

Visiting Nieces and Nephews
This was a short but sweet visit! I showed them pictures from being at the lake the day before and they wanted me to take them right then to play in the mud and go in the kayak.
The Sommers Family! Oh yes how I love them! It is always a joy to see them. I have been privileged to have many significant experiences with them and as well to develop a friendship that bring great joy into my life. They are the type of family that any time I go to Tennessee I want to see them because they are so welcoming of me in their home and treat me as family. They have 10 kids total in their family and sometimes I get confused and think that I am one of them. I am just as good of friends to Dave and Cheryl as I am with any of the kids and it makes it all that much better to be around their whole family.  They are interested in my life and great to be around! I am grateful for Brittany Sommers throwing her Mom a surprise birthday party. It was a complete surprise and she did good at getting a great group of people together. 
Group shot at the birthday dinner. 
The food was good and the company was even better!

After the surprise birthday party I went shopping with this cute couple! They are always fun to be around and I love shopping with either Janae or Janel so the fact that Janae was there I was guaranteed to have a few good finds and man did I ever! Thanks Janae
I just had to throw in here real quick that Janae is getting closer and closer to her due date and I couldn't be more excited! She is beautiful and is going to be a great mother! That little boy is going to be one lucky kid.

After shopping we all ended up at Brittany and Cameron Longs house to hang out with the fun Sommers family. I love the memory of this night and the conversations that we had!

Then later that night I got to go back over to where Sara Foster was and hang out with this fun group (in the picture below. This is not all the people but it is most of them.). This is the only picture I have gotten of them from this weekend. 

Cool story, Nancy in this picture (second person in from the right) is a teacher in the Jordan School District and that is where I will doing my practicum work this next year and then my internship or student teaching. I am grateful to have met her and I have a feeling we are going to be working together and having some great times in the near soon future! What a blessing it is for me and I look forward to getting to know her and working with her! 

Sara took this picture of the temple! 
Sara and I usually take more picture together then this but as of right now this is pretty much all we have from this weekend. We have had fun together and it is always fun to have her around!
A roller coaster weekend is how I will describe this weekend for Sara. It has been fun but she has had several trials that she has been going through. I am grateful that she has been here so that I can be some what of a support, even though there is little I can do. It has definitely taught me the value of listening and not trying to fix her problems for her. It has been a very interesting experience to listen to her talk and watch her find her own solutions and answers to her problems. She is an inspiration and a fighter. She fights for what is right and fights to stay close to her Heavenly Father no matter what. No matter what she goes through she will end up on top because of the way that she chooses to handle her adversities. I am privileged to know her and to learn from her example. She is the best health coach, nurse, disciple, and confidant a friend could ask for. I just love that girl!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I love my "me time"!

Sitting outside on the back patio as the rain is pattering all around. Life doesn't get much better then this. The beauty of the day and the lessons learned from this week. Oh the tender mercies of living the Gospel. As I sit here and reflect back on the goals that I have set and how I strive to reach a little higher and be a little bit better, for me and the Lord, so that I can live so he can bring even greater peace and happiness in my life. I realize today that it worked. I set goals, kept them, and now as I am sitting here looking at where I am compared to last Sunday I am a lot the same but I have been strengthen, I am happier, I feel better physically and emotionally, as well as spiritually closer to those that matter most my Heavenly Father and Savior.

I have learned the true value of taking life a day at a time. Setting goals and overcoming the temptation of giving into those goals a day at a time. The only way that this is possible is through the enabling power of the atonement and I have felt that every step of the way this past week. How loved I feel and grateful I am!

For this next week my goal is to focus on relationships. Reaching out to those around me in big and especially little ways. It are the little things that matter and can make a real difference. The kindness of a smile or those words that are spoken out of sincerity is truly what this world is missing. A quote that I have kept on hearing recently over and over again is "you making a living by what you make. You make a life by what you give." (I don't even know the first source of who said it, it just keeps coming to my mind). I am so grateful for the little things that people do in my life. It matters to me and I want to be that someone in others lives that do those little things that matter to them.

These are the type of things that I reflect on when I have my "me time". I don't have a lot of time like this in the week so at precious moments, like I have this Sunday afternoon, I cherish the time I have to be by myself and the closeness I feel to my Father in Heaven. With the rain pouring down oh how I feel his love!

I truly believe that Heavenly Father has great things in store for those that live faithfully, humbly, and that try. That try their best to be their best. That try to be disciples of Christ and live as close to the spirit as possible. I say try because through "trying" and leaning on the Atonement we end up "doing" because without the atonement we can only get so far. I know I am nothing without the help of the divine. Thank goodness we are each a part of divinity and he is more then willing to help us. Sometimes it blows my mind that it is as simple as asking. "If ye ask ye shall receive" and I have seen that in my life over and over again.

Welcome to a moment in my life...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Utah Lake Advetures

For this post I can thank Sara Hansen for taking the pictures. I was so excited about paddle boarding and kayaking that I skipped the part of capturing the moment to fulling living in it. Both are good but if I don't take pictures I won't have a visual to look back on. So thank you Sara!

Best picture of the DAY! You can't even see Carson's eyes and he legit looks like a statue.

Carson started a mud fight, first with Austin, and then with me. He had some pretty good aim and was fearless of the mud. In the middle of the game we made a rule that you can't dive under water to avoid getting hit, unless you are bending down to pick up mud. That is when we really started to get covered because we were getting hit so much more and not washing it off as much. At this point both Carson and I were covered. He had a hand full of mud and was ready to aim at me. Then all the sudden he looks at the mud in his hands and starts smearing it all over his stomach. Instantly I knew he had a good thing going. We were both laughing so hard and I went over to helped him get covered. I didn't expect him to do his head then all the sudden he took a handful of mud and smeared it on his face like sunscreen. I thought it looked cool before but that was by far the best! I don't think I have seen anyone change colors of skin quiet so quickly with the shade of mud as the color. 

The most entertaining moment was when I was pulling Carson on the board while he was covered in mud and we were going past a group of kids. I looked over at these kids and one of the boys was pointing at Carson, trying to get the other kids attention and no on was looking, and the kid kept on repeating "o my gosh, o my gosh, o my gosh". I looked at what he was looking at and that is when I lost it. Carson was in this manly pose with this serious glare on his face and staring down the kid. He looked like a serious beast. It was perfect! Entertaining? YES, you had to be there.

 I couldn't get the full video option to work, so this is what I got. It pretty much sums up the jumping experience.
 During the lunch break Carson and I had the idea to go play in the random pile of sand beside the lake but first we fed the seagulls part of his sandwich, which was pretty cool because a ton of the birds wanted some of the bread so we got to see them up closer. 
The thing that I like about this is that it really does look like we are in the sand and we are standing up but we aren't. 

I realize that basically this whole first part of the post is all about Carson and yet there were still so many other great things about the day. I am glad he is one of my best friend kids because he is fun to have around. I put this up first because it has pictures with it...

When we first got to Utah Lake it was Sara Foster, Ann (Sara's Cousin), and Kevin (Ann's Friend). We blew up the Kayak and went out on the water while waiting for the Hansen family to get there. There was 4 of us on a two seater kayak.

While out in the water I was jumping on and off the kayak because the water felt good. Sara Foster decided to join me. At one point we were both getting on the raft at the same and Sara wasn't expecting it so she fell right over the top and into the water. What she had forgotten about is that she had sun glasses on top of her head. After a few moments she looked at me and said "oh no, I lost my sun glasses". We had already been moving on the raft at this point and although we could touch the bottom we could not see it because the water was murky and we had already lost the exact spot where she fell. Instantly Sara and I spent a good ten to fifteen minutes looking for her sun glasses. I asked her in the middle of the search if she had prayed to find her sun glasses and at this point I was already giving up hope of ever finding them. After a few more moments of searching Kevin, Ann, and I started heading back to shore and Sara wasn't really moving but we were still talking with her. As we were all laughing over something and Sara and I were looking at each other, without her even looking away she lifts up her hand and she had her own sunglasses in them. I instantly started to freak out saying "NO WAY! I JUST SAW THAT! WHERE DID THOSE COME FROM!?!" We were all stoked that had just happened. She explained that before we were all heading in she took a moment and said a prayer. As soon as she ended it, it wasn't hardly two seconds later that she took a step backwards and felt something. While she was talking to me she leaned down and picked up something. When she brought her hand up it was indeed her sun glasses.

It really is such a miracle! Even today Sara can't stop talking about the experience. It was for sure faith promoting and as I think of it, it just reminds me that even though it are the little things they still matters to the Lord, because they matter to us. Nothing is to small or to big for him to do for us, IF we just ask. I had originally thought that it was an impossible task to find those sun glasses in such a large area where we couldn't even see and yet the Lord loves us enough to figuratively and literally at times say "look, I want to help you my child. Please, I know all the answers. Just turn to me and I will make your burdens light, and I still work miracles. Just use your faith!" That is how I feel he speaks to me, soothes my heart, and lights my way. What a loving Heavenly Father we indeed are blessed to have!

After the day on the lake we grabbed some lunch, went to my house, and then over to Kevin's where I was able to meet Ann and Kevin's families. They were so very kind and fun to get to know. It turns out that Kevin's Mom is a 6th grade school teacher in the Jordan School District and Jordan is where I am going to end up doing my Practicum. She wants me to see if I can request her to work with and I would be more then happy to do it. We would have a blast together and she makes me feel so warm and welcome. It would be the biggest blessing to get to work and learn from her!

Last night I got to work in Trolley Square doing balloons at the Old Spaghetti Factory. It was one of my favorite nights ever working because my cousin brought his whole family in for his youngest daughters birthday. On top of that my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jax came as well. I loved getting to see them and I spent as much time at their table as I possibly could. It was GREAT!

(Pictures are soon coming)

I love my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jax. As well as anytime I get to spend time with my cousin Sean and his family. Talk about cream of the crop people. Sean invited me out for hikes, biking, and running. I am stoked for all the many more fun things that I have to look forward too! I love my family!!!!!!

After work I went and met up with Sara Foster as well Ann and Kevin's families. It was a great way to end the evening chatting with them and being in their presence. By the time Sara and I got home to say we were exhausted would about sum it up. When I was tired I was ready for bed, Sara on the other hand was like a little kid wound up between laughing and crying, talk about entertaining.  It makes me laugh because we are so much like sisters and I am more then okay with that. She is a jem that I love to have around and I am enjoying her with this short time I have (even though I will be seeing her soon again in August, as well as we are planning on living together in a year).

Oh the joys of life and the fun is still just beginning!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Heart of Our Family

There is someone very special in my life and the life of my family. She isn't talked about a lot but she is definitely anything but forgotten. Her name is Julia Hale and she is the heart of our family. She has taught us love, patience, and compassion in more ways that we can even imagine.

Growing up she was just like any other child and maybe even a little better then most. Fun, active, a little shy, and as cute as can be. Not to mention she was Mommas little helper. She would help us little kids get ready for the day by doing our hair or making our bed. Some of my earliest childhood memories was Julia laying down with the 3 little kids (David, Me, and Janae) to tell us bed time stories.

Today I got a text from my Mom that said "Julia asked if you had lost weight, she said I hope not because I like Kathy just the way she is!" Now that is the kind of response I am looking for! Thanks Julia
 Julia and Janel.

When she was 14 she got sick. They took her to the hospital for a few months and when she came home she was never the same again. The doctors told us that she has schizophrenia. Sometimes she has good days and sometimes she has hard days. Here are a few pictures her. She does magnificent with the hand she has been dealt and is one of the most supportive sisters a girl can ask for. Sometimes when I talk to her I ask her how I got so lucky to be her sister?

For those who know Julia knows that she is one of the sweetest people you know. She has the innocence of a child and tells you the truth just the same. She loves being included and doesn't want to miss out on a thing, hence the jet skiing and family hiking pictures. She loves her family more then anyone, as well as goes on more walks then anyone I know and can eat bananas and peanut butter like no ones business. One of her favorite colleges will always be BYU and she studies math in her spare time just for fun. She is a true jewel in the family and I love her more then you know. What a blessing she truly is!