Monday, August 4, 2014

A Moment Worth Remembering

I was going through some pictures and ran across this one. This was a moment to remember and never to be forgotten!
It was the last day of my mission on transfer day. I was being transferred to no companion and I was at the office. My Aunt Kathy and best friend Annie showed up and it was the best reward I could  have received at that moment after a year and a half of serving the Lord. I gave my all and then when I saw them I knew I made it! I had literally given everything that I had for every second of that year and a half. It was the hardest thing I've ever loved and I lived it with no regrets. There was a ton of success and lives changed but no life was changed more then mine. I had my ups and downs and now looking back at all I went through I can finally feel gratitude for all of it, understanding that the Lord has given me so much more then I could have otherwise had if he didn't allow me to struggle and fight to build his kingdom and serve his children. There really must be opposition in all things and along with that opposition come the great blessings. 

It has taken me a long long time to get to this point but I have come out on top and I am grateful for the journey I have traveled. I don't think I could do it twice but for what I have gained for having done it once the price is worth it.

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