Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend!

In the summer time, one specific holiday that makes me home sick more then others is Memorial Day Weekend. I miss my good old Tennessee Memorial Days with my family, spending the day on the lake, grilling out, and spending time with friends.

As a result I was privileged to spend a lot of time with my brother Ammon and his family. They were fun and adorable! On Saturday, I got to work on my gardening skills by helping him plant a tree, seeds in a garden, and doing it all with the little ones being the extra helpers. Then Monday we went and hiked Stewart Falls.

We went Geo-Cash hunting before we started the hike up to Stewart Falls and Jack was the lucky guy to find it under a rock by the sign.

It was too cute not to offer Max to take the back pack up for me. When he said yes I gladly gave it over and quickly took a picture. He was dead set and ready to go but after taking three heavy steps he was glad to give it back over. The bag was a big as he is! So ADORABLE!

(I haven't figured out how to rotate the pictures so good luck looking at some of them.)

The kids made us sit down and watch as they put on a quick show and dance for us, at this amphitheater, before they would even let us think about starting the hike. They were begging to go back on another day.

Jack was my hiking buddy. We would run ahead and then go play in some water that ran along the trail while we would wait for the others to catch up. He would try to cross the river and only fell in once or twice. It was very entertaining and good thing Aunt Kathy was there to witness the whole thing :)

This was one AMAZING view. It was well worth the hike!

The Stewart Falls waterfalls. This picture doesn't do the view justice. The hike was well worth it!

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