Sunday, July 20, 2014

I love my "me time"!

Sitting outside on the back patio as the rain is pattering all around. Life doesn't get much better then this. The beauty of the day and the lessons learned from this week. Oh the tender mercies of living the Gospel. As I sit here and reflect back on the goals that I have set and how I strive to reach a little higher and be a little bit better, for me and the Lord, so that I can live so he can bring even greater peace and happiness in my life. I realize today that it worked. I set goals, kept them, and now as I am sitting here looking at where I am compared to last Sunday I am a lot the same but I have been strengthen, I am happier, I feel better physically and emotionally, as well as spiritually closer to those that matter most my Heavenly Father and Savior.

I have learned the true value of taking life a day at a time. Setting goals and overcoming the temptation of giving into those goals a day at a time. The only way that this is possible is through the enabling power of the atonement and I have felt that every step of the way this past week. How loved I feel and grateful I am!

For this next week my goal is to focus on relationships. Reaching out to those around me in big and especially little ways. It are the little things that matter and can make a real difference. The kindness of a smile or those words that are spoken out of sincerity is truly what this world is missing. A quote that I have kept on hearing recently over and over again is "you making a living by what you make. You make a life by what you give." (I don't even know the first source of who said it, it just keeps coming to my mind). I am so grateful for the little things that people do in my life. It matters to me and I want to be that someone in others lives that do those little things that matter to them.

These are the type of things that I reflect on when I have my "me time". I don't have a lot of time like this in the week so at precious moments, like I have this Sunday afternoon, I cherish the time I have to be by myself and the closeness I feel to my Father in Heaven. With the rain pouring down oh how I feel his love!

I truly believe that Heavenly Father has great things in store for those that live faithfully, humbly, and that try. That try their best to be their best. That try to be disciples of Christ and live as close to the spirit as possible. I say try because through "trying" and leaning on the Atonement we end up "doing" because without the atonement we can only get so far. I know I am nothing without the help of the divine. Thank goodness we are each a part of divinity and he is more then willing to help us. Sometimes it blows my mind that it is as simple as asking. "If ye ask ye shall receive" and I have seen that in my life over and over again.

Welcome to a moment in my life...

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